Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cannibal Intrique

It’s intriguing, that someone would want to know the meaning of flesh eating syndromes। There are so many.
Daily drudgery of life can sometimes get to the core.
But there are also inquisitive humans out there that desire going deeper…methodically speaking.
For instance, what does Jesus mean when he asks followers to eat my flesh, drink my blood?
Is he calling his followers to be cannibals?
Of course I have my own thoughts & opinion on this but right now I am more interested in hearing yours.
So there you are…today’s bullet directed at YOU! What are your thoughts?
Whether a Christ follower or not, Atheist, Bohemian, Buddhist, Quaker…Pentecostal you name it.
What does Jesus mean when he said ‘eat my flesh, drink my blood?’
