Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eat Flesh, Drink Blood: REVENGE & THE COUNT = JUSTICE?

Eat Flesh, Drink Blood: REVENGE & THE COUNT = JUSTICE?: "What is ultimate justice? What does it mean to be just? Can humans make justice decisions? How do we decide what makes right a wrong?"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What does the Bible say about cannibalism? Is there cannibalism in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about cannibalism? Is there cannibalism in the Bible?

Check out the link above. I spend hours on hours doing research & it is amazing how many have such strong beliefs concerning Eating Flesh Drinking Blood. From all views whether religious or not there are thousands & thousands of opinions. It is amazing the stories I read on cannibalism, people destroying and tearing apart one another inside and out. From emotions to exterior flesh humans tend to be ripping at each other.